ed hardy schuhe

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ed hardy schuhe

Messaggioda xiaobao5200 » gio ott 28, 2010 4:31 am

August 26, 2009, Ed Hardy car decoration products in China's largest ed hardy schuhe interest, mark the nation's most fashionable brand of automotive supplies automotive supplies officially in mainland China market. Concerned about the influx of fashion forward men and women who may be on the influx of Ed Hardy - the world's most expensive brand is no stranger to casual wear, especially in September 2008 Carina Lau in Shanghai, the first flagship store Ed Hardy clothing after the opening, Ed H the style of http://www.edhardykleidungshop.com/ gorgeous, both retro punk (PUNK) elements and street culture.ardy series Fashion has become fashionable men and women chase the brand. Ed Hardy brand is very famous by the "godfather of modern tattoo" Don Ed Hardy and the world's top brand clothing designer Christian Adige?s chief jointly founded in 2004. Designer Pudgier brand will tattoo tattoo art and graffiti them into clothing,<strong><a href="http://www.eluxurybrandstore.com/">authentic louis vuitton</a></strong>
Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: gio ott 28, 2010 4:26 am

Messaggioda arteriolupin » gio ott 28, 2010 7:51 am


ciao ciao...
...Se tuti i bechi gavesse un lampion... Gesummaria che iluminasiòn!

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