Un bell'aforisma da pippon

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Re: Un bell'aforisma da pippon

Messaggioda tacchinosfavillantdgloria » dom feb 28, 2016 16:20 pm

Non mollare mai; tranne se ci hai già provato tre volte, perché allora è proprio impossibile. (PewDiePie)

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My mind reels with sarcastic replies (Snoopy)

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Messaggi: 5274
Iscritto il: gio set 18, 2008 19:08 pm
Località: oderzo

Re: Un bell'aforisma da pippon

Messaggioda tacchinosfavillantdgloria » dom feb 28, 2016 17:21 pm

Grandissimo Lemmy


Shut up, you talk too loud,
You don´t fit in with the crowd,
I can´t believe you exist,
I´ve crossed you right off my list,
Too much, too soon,
you´re way out of tune

No class

Way out, you´re way out of line,
No buddy I can´t spare a dime,
Fade out, baby that´s right,
No bark and even less bite,
Your perfect smile,
betrays your lack of style

No class

Too late, you can´t catch up now,
You face the wrong way anyhow,
I know you ain´t got the brain,
To come in out of the rain,
Too bad, no magic,
I´m afraid you´re really tragic

No class

Metallici saluti
My mind reels with sarcastic replies (Snoopy)

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Messaggi: 5274
Iscritto il: gio set 18, 2008 19:08 pm
Località: oderzo

Re: Un bell'aforisma da pippon

Messaggioda PIEDENERO » dom feb 28, 2016 18:35 pm

8) =D>

tacchino e i Motörhead..... :lol:
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Re: Un bell'aforisma da pippon

Messaggioda tacchinosfavillantdgloria » dom feb 28, 2016 19:05 pm

Leningrad cowboys:

I don't care about the story-line if there's a happy ending
For the life of me I just don't understand it
Now the whole expedition was a total disaster yet still they contend
That we're doing fine and that we still have the upper hand
I think that's sad
Don't tell me everything's all right
Cause I'm happy being miserable
And don't say that it's a-okay
I'm so happy being miserable
There's always rain pouring down in my garden
And a black cat keeps following me around
Hey that bottle of vodka looks half empty, most definitely
I'm on the rocks baby
You self serving do-gooders just leave me alone
My misery don't want no company
I prefer keeping to myself, giving me my undivided sympathy, yeah
Don't tell me everything's all right
Cause I'm happy being miserable
And don't say that it's a-okay
I'm so happy being miserable
Happy people you give me the blues
I'm so god damn glad I ain't skipping in your shoes
In my perverted sordid misery
I get off watching people who are worse off than me
Don't tell me everything's all right
Cause I'm happy being miserable
And don't say that it's a-okay
I'm so happy being miserable
Don't tell me everything's all right
Cause I'm happy being miserable
And don't say that it's a-okay
I'm so happy being miserable
We're so happy being miserable oh, oh. We're so happy being miserable, yeah
We're so happy being miserable oh, oh. We're so happy being miserable, yeah

Russofili saluti
My mind reels with sarcastic replies (Snoopy)

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Messaggi: 5274
Iscritto il: gio set 18, 2008 19:08 pm
Località: oderzo


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